Every Thursday I look back to the past
Here’s something I guess not a lot of people have seen before: it’s an artwork of 2manydjs by Guy Peellaert.
Peellaert was one of Belgians most famous graphic artists who worked with The Rolling Stones, Martin Scorsese and is problaby most known for his artwork of Diamond Dogs, by David Bowie.

Guy Peellaert: “I went to see 2manydjs in Paris for this project. Nice guys. The youngest brother was a fan of Pravda (Peellaert’s groundbreaking popart-comic from the sixties). That’s why I added the ‘Baoom’ in the left hand corner, as a reference to Pravda. It also fits with the ‘white powder’ and ‘smiling moon’. You can’t survive on water and bread when you go out all the time, if you know what I mean. The brown bags I took from the excellent artwork of their album As Heard On Radio Soulwax Pt. 2. It reminds me of the work of Saul Steinberg. And the blood on the left? I took that from on of their lyrics: ‘On canvas oil of blood’ (Caramel)”.
This artwork was part of a series of portraits of Belgian icons. It was published in Focus Knack on September 24, 2008 – only two months before he died.
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